Majority of Connecticut Voters Do Not Support The State Government Option
A new poll conducted by Locust Street Group on behalf of Connecticut’s Health Care Future finds that a majority of Connecticut voters do not support the proposed state government option and are satisfied with their current health coverage and care. In fact, the poll of 800 likely voters finds that a majority want lawmakers to build on and improve the current health care system rather than start over with a new government-controlled health insurance system such as the state government option.

- A majority of Connecticut voters do NOT support the state government option (only 36 percent support).
- Voters are especially CONCERNED about the impacts of the state government option on access to quality care (77 percent), jobs/economic growth (74 percent), and costs (72 percent).
- 82 percent of voters are UNWILLING to pay more in health care costs and 78 percent are UNWILLING to pay more in taxes to finance the cost of the state option.
The evidence is clear: most Connecticut voters don’t want lawmakers to start over with a state government option we can’t afford. We must focus on solutions that improve access to affordable, high-quality health coverage and care for every Connecticut resident – not a state government option that could force Connecticut families to pay more for worse care. Let’s protect Connecticut’s health care future by building on and improving what’s working – not starting over.